مکتب رودخانه هادسن

مکتب رودخانه هادسن: HUDSON RIVER SCHOOL

اصطلاحی که درباره شماری از منظره نگاران رمانتیک آمریکایی سده نوزدهم به کار برده می شوند.اینان، غالبا، در حوالی رود هادسن کار می کردند، ولی گروهی متشکل نبودند.

Working Title/Artist: The Mountain Ford Department: Am. Paintings / Sculpture Culture/Period/Location:  HB/TOA Date Code:  Working Date:  photography by mma, DT216681.tif retouched by film and media (jnc) 8_6_09

thomas cole


Albert Bierstadt .Sierra_Nevada،California

transparency was very old (1986) and yellow and required major color shift - check with curator if is correct AT TIME OF PLACING IT ON TIMELINE, CURATOR WAS NOT CONSULTED Working Title/Artist: Frederic Edwin Church: The Parthenon Department: Am. Paintings / Sculpture Culture/Period/Location:  HB/TOA Date Code:  Working Date:  photography by mma, DT1540.tif touched by film and media (jnc) 8_4_09

Frederic Edwin Church

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